As we prepare to commence the 2024-2025 academic year, we would like to outline important information regarding student drop-off, pick-up and parking procedures. Ensuring the safety and security of our students, staff and visitors remains our top priority, and your cooperation is essential in achieving this goal.
In order for students to park on-campus, they will need to receive a parking sticker from the CHS Police Dept.
Please refer to the map below and instructions, which detail the designated drop-off and pick-up locations, including the specific gates to be used. Adherence to these protocols is crucial for maintaining a secure and organized environment on campus.
To ensure proper parking and adherence to regulations, the following measures will be enforced for non-compliance:
First Violation: A warning sticker will be affixed to the driver’s side door handle.
Second Violation: A warning sticker will be affixed to the driver’s side door handle and the vehicle’s license plate will be confiscated and held at the Canutillo High School Police Department Office. The student must sign a document acknowledging the restriction on parking and the possibility of further action.
Third Violation: The vehicle will be immobilized with a wheel boot, and the license plate will be confiscated and held at the Canutillo High School Police Department Office. The boot can be removed by paying a $35.00 fine at the Business Office.
Fourth Violation: The vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense.
Students must park only in designated student parking areas and are prohibited from loitering in parking lots, including during Senior out times. All traffic laws must be observed both on and off campus.
Students are responsible for any prohibited items found in their vehicles, including alcohol, tobacco products, vaping products, drugs, and weapons. The CISD Police Department may conduct vehicle searches based on reasonable suspicion, in accordance with Texas law and school policy, to include the use of canine police dog.
In previous years, there have been concerns regarding unsafe drop-off practices on Isela Rubalcava and South Desert. This year, CISD Police Department Officers will closely monitor these areas. Drivers observed dropping off students on the roadway will be issued a citation. For the safety of all, please use the designated drop-off areas within the campus.
Gate #1 – Northwest Gate off Isela Rubalcava (Adjacent to the Baseball Field):
Gate #1 will serve as the primary entry point for students with parking permits. It will also be the main entry point for student-athletes with parking permits in the morning and the principal exit in the afternoon. Students are required to park only in the designated areas shown on the attached map.
Gate #2 – Closed:
Gate #2 will remain closed and is not in use.
Gate #3 – North of the Cafeteria off Isela Rubalcava:
Gate #3 will function as an exit for students throughout the day and as a reentry point for students returning from lunch. It will also serve as an entry and exit point for staff and visitors. Please note that Gate #3 is strictly prohibited for student drop-offs.
Gate #4 – North of the Cafeteria off Isela Rubalcava:
Gate #4 is designated for use by CHS staff and visitors only. Please note that Gate #4 is strictly
prohibited for student drop-offs.
Gate #5 – Corner of Isela Rubalcava and South Desert:
Gate #5 will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM. After 8:30 AM, parents must use Gate #6 (Flagpole Gate) for student drop-offs. Parents traveling east on Isela Rubalcava should enter Gate #5 and drop off students where sidewalks are available but not after the circle area. Parents will then exit through Gate #7. For student-athletes, please drop off at the designated area on the map in the southernmost section of the roadway.
Gate #6 – Flagpole Gate on South Desert:
Gate #6 will open at 7:00 AM to facilitate drop-offs for parents driving south on South Desert. Drop-off will be directed by a CISD PD Officer in the circle area. Student-athletes may also use this gate, turning left to drop off in the designated area on the map.
Gate #7 – Southeast Gate by the Apartments:
Gate #7 will be used as an exit for those entering through Gates #5 and #6. Entry through Gate #7 is restricted to buses, staff, and student-athletes with parking permits only. Student drop-offs are not permitted at this gate.
Important Safety Notice:
Dropping off students on the roadways of Isela Rubalcava or South Desert is prohibited and extremely dangerous. Any individual observed dropping off students on these roadways will be issued a citation. Clear signage is posted to indicate this prohibition.